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Vance vs. Walz: Who Will Win Vice Presidential Debate? We Asked ChatGPT

Ohio Senator JD Vance and his Democratic counterpart, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, are set to go head-to-head in a vice presidential debate next month ahead of November’s presidential election.
The October 1 event follows the September 10 televised clash between the pair’s respective running mates—Republican former President Donald Trump and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.
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As the Vance-Walz debate nears, Newsweek asked generative AI tool ChatGPT which vice presidential candidate could come out ahead.
The prompt we used read: “Who do you think will win the vice presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz?
“Give reasons for your answer, and consider previous debate performances by both men when running for previous public offices.
“Also take into account public statements made by them about the debate and analysis by pundits and experts on who might perform better in a head-to-head between the two vice presidential candidates.”
ChatGPT responded: “Predicting the outcome of the vice-presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz on October 1, 2024, is complex, as both candidates bring different strengths to the table, and public opinion may vary based on their performances.”
“JD Vance, an Ohio senator and a prominent figure in the Republican Party, has built a reputation for his sharp, unscripted speaking style. He has stated publicly that he doesn’t feel the need to prepare extensively for the debate, arguing that his direct engagement with voters is sufficient preparation.”
ChatGPT said Vance’s confidence could resonate with voters looking for a more spontaneous, unpolished approach.
“Vance’s debate history suggests he is skilled at direct attacks, as seen in his Senate race debates, and his ability to stir up cultural debates may energize the Republican base. However, his relatively young political career could be a disadvantage against a more experienced debater.”
Of Walz, the generative AI said: “Tim Walz, on the other hand, is the governor of Minnesota and has more extensive executive experience. Known for his measured, policy-oriented approach, Walz could appeal to voters looking for substance over showmanship.
According to ChatGPT, Walz was seen as steady and competent, “though sometimes less charismatic compared to his opponents” in previous debates during his gubernatorial campaigns.
“His background as a military veteran might also play well in a debate where national security is a topic, and Walz has used this to deflect criticism from Vance’s attacks on his service​,” ChatGPT said.
“In terms of pundit analysis, some experts argue that Vance’s aggressive style might alienate moderate voters, while Walz’s steady demeanor could win over undecided voters who prefer stability and detailed policy discussions. The debate’s outcome may ultimately depend on whether viewers value charisma and confrontation or calm, substantive discussion​.”
“In summary, while Vance’s boldness could give him an edge with his base, Walz’s experience and steady approach may appeal to those seeking a more presidential demeanor in their vice-presidential candidate.
“The debate could go either way, depending on which qualities voters prioritize,” it concluded.
Newsweek has contacted Vance and Walz for comment via email.
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